Sunday, September 7, 2008

9/6/08 amtrak century

paul and i drove up to irvine and spent the night by UCI.
rode from UCI to the transit center, and joined up with sam, uri, dylan, steve, chuck and gisela for the amtrak century( definitely had a great ride. the weather going through pendelton was really overcast and cool perfect for cycling. it started to turn ultra nice and was a perfect socal day by the time we hit torrey pines.

i started feeling cramp twinges in delmar, but busted the margarita shotbloks and never full on cramped. if anything i probably had too much food during the ride, 3 packs of shot bloks(1 marg w/ salt), 2 powerbar gels, a clif bar, pack of sport beans, 2 bananas, 3-4 oranges, a couple cookies.

time: 8:06
mileage: 110.69
total ascent: 5164ft

total miles to date: 455.56

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